Irland, Runenstein auf dem Friedhof von Kilmalkedar (Foto: Diane Scherzler)

Diane Scherzler

Media training

Scientists who want to improve their collaboration with journalists will find here information on Diane Scherzler's workshops as well as tips to download.


Mass media as most important source of information
Most of what the public knows about the effectiveness of tick vaccines, about the discovery of an ancient Maya city in the rainforest, or about the changing climate comes from the mass media. For almost everybody radio, television, newspaper, and the internet are the sole sources for scientific topics.

Different rules
Therefore, scientists who want to make their research public depend on a good and fruitful teamwork with journalists. Dealing with media representatives requires, however, experience and exercise. The rules of media relations, that is to say, are essentially different from those of the scientific community.
Very few researchers are born with the talent to communicate their topics in such a way that they are interesting for journalists and that at the same time the elementary essence of research does not get lost.

It is possible to communicate the complex to non-experts while maintaining the real content of a topic. A high level and comprehensibility are no contradiction. This is Diane Scherzler's conviction in her daily work as editor for Germany's Public TV&Radio as well as in her media trainings.

Good media relations can be learned
In her trainings (lasting one to several days) Diane teaches you how to draw the editors' attention to your research, exhibitions, etc. You will learn how a press release is written and structured, and how to give a good interview. You get acquainted with dealing with the mass media, and you will learn how you can reduce the probability of mistakes in journalistic contributions. Several hands-on exercises, which are oriented at your individual needs, are part of the workshops. Each media training is tailored to your needs and to your discipline's specialities and can be held in German or English:

- Media trainings for beginners
- Advanced courses
- One-to-one consulting
- Media trainings with thematic priorities: Press releases, interview, how to avoid mistakes, how to offer a topic conveniently to the media, science communication via your website.

Media training, consulting and teaching: Selected references
University of Tübingen, visiting lecturer. Courses: "Getting complex topics to the media" and "How to express yourself comprehensibly and exactly" (since 2008)
Centre for Academic Instruction of the Universities in Baden-Württemberg, teacher of the course "How to teach good and comprehensible writing" for teaching staff of Baden-Württemberg's universities (2009-2013)
University of Tromsø, two seminars for doctoral students resp. members of the university's central administration on science journalism resp. writing comprehensibly (2012)
Südwestrundfunk (SWR), teacher for online journalism. Direction of trainee courses (three two-week courses per year; 2008-2012)
Robert Bosch Foundation, scientific advice during Euroscience Open Forum 2010 and 2012 for the foundation's stipendiaries (2010 and 2012)
University of Freiburg, visiting lecturer. Course: "How to communicate science comprehensibly and exactly" (since 2010)
University of Munich, media trainings and course in public speaking for the students of the Graduate School Life Science Munich (2010 and 2011)
Römisch-Germanisches Zentralmuseum (RGZM), Media training for researchers and press information officers (2011)
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research, media training for scientists of the research project "Integrated Water Ressource Management" (2011)
European Association of Archaeologists (EAA), media trainings for the participants of the annual conferences (2004, 2005 and 2010), consulting on a media strategy (2005)
University of Freiburg, workshop for the research group "Popular Knowledge Cultures" (2010)
Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Ur- und Frühgeschichte, media training (2010)
Euroscience Open Forum (ESOF), media training for conference participants (2008)
European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO), media training for scholarship holders (2008)
Robert Bosch Foundation, media training for participants of the support programme "Denkwerk" (2008)
World Archaeological Congress (WAC), consulting on a media strategy (function: Media Advisor Europe, 2003 until 2005)

Tips and information for you
Here you can find several tips and recommendations by Diane Scherzler about collaborating with the mass media (free download).

How to write a successful press release

Practice: Preparing to Interact With the Media

Giving a Good Interview I: Be Prepared for the Questions

Good Language: Reading Recommendations

"Making complex topics understandable"
How you benefit from a media training - Further information

If you are interested in a media training, please contact Diane Scherzler.